The Metaverse has been the buzzword for web development companies, app developers, and end-users. With social media giant Facebook and software conglomerate, Microsoft claims to make this technology more advanced with passing the time. But what is the Metaverse? And what will be the features of Metaverse? In this blog, we will try to answer those questions.  So let’s get started!


What is the Metaverse?


Metaverse is the combination of virtual and augmented reality technology with a goal to provide an immersive digital experience like real-life objects. It is a complex composition of different graphic and technology elements, so its features are also unique.

Metaverse is the next generation social platform. It is the combination of sophisticated AI algorithms coupled with virtual and augmented reality. This fantastic technology aims to offer an immersive digital experience that the end-users will love. In short, it is a type of network of 3D virtual worlds focused on people engagement. Now let’s explore the features!

Features of the Metaverse

Mirrorworld sounds like something from Netflix’s Stranger Things or MARVEL comics’ universe, isn’t it? But it is really coming to the real world with the help of Metaverse. Metaverse will reflect our real world as a mirror dimension, including places, people, and other things. Mirrorworld is one of the top features of Metaverse, which is hyped by the users as well as the developers. The concept of Metaverse reflects the mirror image of our physical world, which makes it unique & amazing.

Skeuomorphic Design & persistent: The Metaverse is being developed with Skeuomorphic design. What does it imply? Well, it indicates that the objects in this mirror world will closely remble to what we see every day in real life.

Furthermore, the metaverse can’t be shut down, unlike the internet. Metaverses’ nature is persistent thanks to its massive amount of data stored in the metaverse. For whatever purpose the metaverse is created, it is going to stay for as long as the technology exists.

Digital Twin: NASA was the first to use digital twin technology to conduct simulations of space capsules in 2010. Metaverse utilizes the same technology to construct a virtual version of real-life objects.

Metaverse is a developing technology that is changing almost every day. Therefore, the list of features is not completed yet, and we will bring the list once we get more clear and evident knowledge. So, stay tuned with us. In the meantime, if you are looking to build a website, app, or looking for digital marketers, contact us now!

The need for a functional website is not an option anymore. It is a crucial aspect of business prosperity and continuous growth. This is why huge conglomerates and small businesses are also building their online presence to stay competitive and meet the demands of the digital era. And to get most businesses many of them are using advanced tools such as these.

And what makes Shopify quite lucrative is its pricing structure and easy development process. Those reasons have helped many business owners to own websites. However, amidst the growing number of cyber-attacks worldwide, the need of the hour, even on platforms like Shopify, is to take your security seriously to ensure your eCommerce store is safe for its users.

Activate SSL Certificate:

SSL is an essential part of your security checklist. But that’s not all; if you want to rank well in the major search engine, SSL is a must-have because the crawler won’t even consider your website without it. For SSL certificates, most people buy the license from a domain provider. However, Shopify offers the feature by default as part of their platform. Therefore, all the traffic will pass through a secure HTTPS protocol instead of vulnerable HTTP. Though it comes as default, make sure the certificate is enabled!


Schedule Regular Backups:

Shopify presents a well architectured hosting infrastructure that delivers an elevated level of data redundancy. Although, when you are trying to delete any content, double-check if you are doing it the right way, or better keep a backup handy! If you think taking manual backup is difficult or time-consuming, you can schedule the backup to be managed automatically. And if some cyberattacks happen, you can run the backup files to restore the previous data and fix the loopholes in the meantime without wasting time.

Two Factor Authentication:

There are many ways that can be used to get your password. Traditional theft or highly skilled methods such as brute force can be the reason for your password loss. If that happens, 2FA or two-factor authentication will come in handy. Major platforms use this method, and with Shopify, you can do that too.

In case you lose your admin password, the hackers will still require the 2FA code to access the backend or legacy codes. This second step will ensure you have an extra layer of added security for better safety and security. Shopify eCommerce Store should be set up to enhance security and increase user trustworthiness.

Enforce Code Management Standards:

Shopify offers numerous tutorials on how you can use the theme editor that is worth studying for any merchant considering changing their theme code directly. However, merchants who are planning to modify their theme’s code should look into doing it professionally by employing some code management standards.

As an experienced website development company, we do this every single time while using the Shopify platform to develop an online store. Explore the use of a different control system such as Git and possibly a local command-line tool such as Theme Kit. Ensure you have automated backup on and restrict access so only selected people can edit the theme. A good code management system not only offers security but a great foundation too.

Protect Against Fraud:

Shopify is a fantastic platform the brings amazing analysis tools to measure frauds. For instance, there’s Shopify Flow and Fraud Protect for those who are using Shopify Plus. And if you are thinking of a more advanced solution, then fraud detection tools such as NS8 will serve your purpose perfectly.

NS8 brings many crucial features. For instance, it has order fraud, advertising fraud features. Besides that,  it can protect against overall poor performance too. Moreover, the installation is easy and does not need any extra coding because all the functionalities come out of the box.

Pandemic has changed the way we do things. Like any other aspect of life, this difficult time also changed how customers shop or behave when they are crawling through digital content or platforms. And business worldwide has been adapting to these changes to offer better convenience to their customers and stay ahead of the competitive online landscape. Digital marketing trends are changing rapidly to keep up with the changes in consumer demands, and marketers have to evolve to stay afloat. Here are some marketing trends to help your business propel through not only growing your business in 2022 but years to come.


Artificial intelligence has been the buzzword for years, and now it is actively participating in enhancing users’ convenience. AI is already powering the growing need of customers for the pandemic. Services such as intelligent content creation, chatbots, and searching are reaping the benefits of artificial intelligence. Besides that, digital marketers have been complaining and managing data with powerful AI tools to target customers or to better reach out to them with things they need and want.

According to a PwC survey from over 1,000 U.S.-based companies, 52% have accelerated their AI adoption plans to reap the multitude of benefits this technology offers. The customer’s needs are changing and growing. To understand the pattern and offer exactly what they need, AI technology is essential for a digital marketer not only for 2022 but also for years to come.

Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is managed by a sophisticated algorithm. The tool is managed by an AI system that is designed to reduce the cost of your ads and efforts. The tools can purchase ads by using the sophisticated AI system, reducing or minimizing the human intervention. In this way, the organization can get the ads it needs and reduce the overhead expenses to increase efficiency and bring more ROI.

“Most search-driven manual advertising campaigns take into consideration three or four basic targets such as the keyword, time of day, and location. However, this tool has the capability to use hundreds of targeting signals to individualize the ads and even target according to lifestyle, or the behavior of the tool is working with the amalgamation with customer data platforms.

Conversational Marketing

The way customers shop or interact with the service provider has changed considerably. Today it is not merely added to cart and checkout. Shopping is now more conversational than ever. This means there should be a person available to answer the queries made by prospects. However, this is not a simple job. And hiring a person is not mean the end of the problem. Because, when consumers have a question, 82% want an “immediate” response.

And a person or team of it won’t be able to send replies instantly. This is why a chatbot is essential. Chatbots are always available to answer any question asked by the users. They are efficient and can offer assistance according to customers’ needs, improving goodwill. As a marketer, you must consider implementing chatbots to the website to improve the customer experience.

Marketing is a crucial aspect of your business’s success. And if you know plan properly ahead of the inhabitable, then you will certainly stay ahead in the game. Do you not know how to implement the above features? We have got your back! Besides having a robust digital marketing team, we are a full-size website design and website development company. So make your website and business successful and reach your goal faster with a proven digital marketing strategy.

The eCommerce business has been growing steadily. Thanks to the changing behavior of customers’ shopping patterns, this continuous growth trend is quite promising for years to come. Research from McKinsey found out that there’s a 15-30% increase in consumers who buy online due to pandemics. And the same institute also suggests that the growing trend of online shops has even reached more milestones because since we are not out of the COVID-19 situation.

For a business person, this future-proof growth is lucrative. However, launching a standalone eCommerce website is not going to bring massive success. It would help if you had the right tool to reach your goal. However, choosing the right one might be difficult because there are too many options as well as if you lack technical expertise, you might end up investing in the wrong tool. But we can help you in this regard. As a website development company, we closely worked with successful eCommerce businesses, and according to our experience, the below tools are the ones you need for continuous growth.

Payment tool- An eCommerce business is nothing without having a functional and efficient online payment platform or tool. Without giving the option to pay online for an ordered service or product, your prospects are not going to return or do transactions at all. Fortunately, there are several third-party tools or payment platforms available to manage online payment quite easily. PayPal and Stripe are two noteworthy solutions available to integrate today. But, if you are thinking of a more tailored solution, we can make your own payment platform. We have years of experience in making such a tool that offers you personalization and scalability, and you will own the platform too.

Analytic tool- Considering that your website is running well, it is taking payment seamlessly; now, what you need is an analytic tool. A dedicated tool that can track, keep a record, and analyze the pattern of the sales. These metrics are the building block of your eCommerce website.

Without the most accurate metrics, you won’t know what must be done and the steps you should avoid for the betterment of your business. Therefore, you must pick the right eCommerce performance analyzer like Kiss Metrics. Besides this, you can connect the website to an analytics tool corresponding to the search engine for sales, traffic, session, and many more essential metrics.

Email tool- Did you know, keeping your customers with you is easier than finding a new one? But, how would you keep them coming back for more? Well, the easiest way to do so is by using better marketing tactics. Unfortunately, social media is crowded, and customers get bombarded with ads. To attract customers, use personalized emails instead.

An email is still one of the best ways to promote services and products as well as helps to keep the conversation going! MailChimp is an amazing tool that has essential features that automate many tasks; sending emails on behalf of your business is one of many.

E-commerce business could be a great opportunity that can bring new opportunities. But to ride on the success wave, you need the right tool and a team of professional eCommerce web developers who can integrate them in the right manner to elevate their efficiency and effectiveness.

If you have shortlisted the tools that need help in integration, or want to develop an eCommerce business from scratch, get in touch with us. We have years of experience and expertise in building eCommerce websites that deliver results. So if you are looking for a reliable, experienced, and professional team of developers, contact us now.

An eCommerce website is a combination of art, experience, sophistication, and innovation. And without the right touch from professionals, the whole website may crumble into pieces. Therefore, hiring the right eCommerce web development company makes sense. However, it is easy to say that than done, especially if you have not years of experience on it. Hoping you are a novice, we are here to help. Follow these rules to hire the best e-commerce web companies.

Read Reviews

Reviews are an essential part of validating the previous job of the respective eCommerce website development company. Check what their previous clients are saying about their services. Look for everything related to eCommerce, of course. However, also review their support system. Do they offer extensive technical support or not? And if they do, how satisfied their customers are.

Check Portfolio

Portfolios are as important as reviews. They showcase the actual work in front and before you hire them. Understand what they have made and try to analyze what they can do for you. If you have a unique idea, find out how close they are to that. If you are unable to find any, talk to the development company ask how they will deliver, or it would be best if you ask for some design or wire-frame examples too.

Customisation Friendly

Personalization and scalability is a crucial aspect of a growing business. An eCommerce website requires many changes on the way, as well as it requires to scale-up the inventory with every passing day. Therefore, there must be enough flexibility to change the frontend and backend as your business continues to grow. While talking to the eCommerce website developers, ask them how they will implement ongoing changes and keep them stable.


The cost to develop an eCommerce website is an essential part of planning. However, no website development company, even with decades of experience, won’t give correct numbers. Therefore, asking for that won’t do good. But of course, you will need the numbers so you can divide your resources accordingly. So as for an educated estimation. And act accordingly. Knowing the minimum and maximum numbers will definitely help.


Once your website is done, you will need continuous and reliable maintenance services. Without proper maintenance, your website or server where it’s located might come across unwanted problems. And the more problems you have, the more downtime your website faces. Even an hour of downtime will certainly do bad for your business. Therefore, only hire development companies who are willing to offer services to keep your website up and running 24*7.

The world is full of good and bad options. Choosing the right one will definitely be a challenge. However, it is not like it can’t be done with a little bit of experience in hand. The above points are proven methods for choosing the best eCommerce web development company. Those tips helped numerous clients, and they can assist you in choosing the best eCommerce website development company too.

Web development and SEO or search engine optimization go hand in hand. While often overlooked, a well-planned and structured website is essential for crucial SEO success. This article will do a deep dive into some of the most popular on-page SEO errors and how a web developer or web designer can fix them. By the end, you’ll have the SEO for web developers’ basics down the path. Furthermore, you will understand how to avoid some of the hidden landmines you could fall victim to!

Mobile Friendliness

Mobile-friendliness is essential for a good SEO ranking. In fact, by default, major search engines require that the website must have mobile optimization or mobile-friendliness to get the best rank. The mobile-optimized website offers a great deal of flexibility to the users’ needs and wants. And the reason is most of the traffic is coming from handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc. If the website is not loading well, or the navigation is not working correctly, users’ experience will diminish, and the website won’t be successful.


Content plays a significant role in on-page SEO success. While it is the job of the SEO team and content writer to write content for a website, as a web developer, you have to work closely to set the parameters. The website must be easy for the content writer team to access ad change accordingly. While developing the site, ensure the pages have meta tag boxes such as meta title and meta description.

Site speed

Website speed is vital for the success of a business or website. And if your developed website is lagging behind or the site speed is slow, the user will leave the website. The reason being, the customer has a shorter attention time. If your website is loading slower than it should be, then as a web developer, you have to work to ensure the speed is optimum. A good speed also helps to boost to get a good rank in SERP.


HTTPS is absolutely crucial for your website to rank well in SERP. Why? Because major search engine giants such as Google prefer a website that has HTTPS. HTTPS makes a site secure for the owner as well as the users. If your developed website doesn’t have HTTPS, then Google won’t recommend the site to the users. Therefore, it won’t get success in the SERP.

SEO is a multi-phased work that requires the perfect balance. A well-built SEO plan starts even before the start of website development. Therefore, as a website development company, we start implementing features and scope beforehand. The goal is clear; we want to see your business on the top SERP and get the success it deserves.

Let’s face it. Getting the top SERP result isn’t as easy as walking in the park. To get the top spot, you have to fight the marketing behemoths. Fortunately, you have the chance to do so, unlike traditional marketing methods. Local search marketing gives a business chance to flourish and take on the big names with the right strategy and planning. However, if you are not well aware of the most suitable strategies, then worry not. We are here to help. Find below the top tips to improve your local search marketing.

Read our previous blogs here–  

Content: You probably already heard digital marketers saying that the content is the king. So, needless to mention that you have to improve your content marketing strategy. But how? Well, besides providing high-quality content, you have to take care of “local keywords”. How does this help? Well, just think about this. If you need to hire an SEO company in Delhi, what would be your search term? Would it be “SEO Services Company in Delhi” or “SEO company”? Of course, you would search for the first key phrase. And this is where you have to focus. If you want to promote your business locally, keep the name of the place in your keywords. So, when people are searching for the product/ services from a particular place, they see your website on the top. While you are posting your content, make sure you are following a pattern. Don’t overload your website with unnecessary content. This practice is unprofessional and reduces your business credibility.

Increase page load speed: Do you know if your page doesn’t load up within 6 to 8 seconds, the user will leave? And if your website is taking more than 11 seconds to load, well, you are in a bad situation. Market studies have proven that slow page loading hurts business significantly. However, this problem can be fixed through professional help. And if you really want to get things at it’s best, you should take the site speed seriously at the website development stage itself. Yes, you heard that right. The development framework, tools, and methods have a great impact on website loading speed. If you are at the beginning of the online endeavor, hire a professional website development company. If you want to fix your existing site to boost your speed, the solutions stay the same.

Use the smart phrase: Think as your customer does. What’s going on in their head? What do they generally search to find a product or service? Fortunately, there are many common phrases available that you can use to boost your Local Search Marketing. Use the words like ” near me,” ” In [enter your city] to focus locally. Many factors need your attention before adding these words. However, if you do not know how people are browsing the internet locally, use professional help. Contact an SEO Services Company and get the details you need to dominate your local search engine.

Improve UX: User experience is an extremely important part of making sales. However, many entrepreneurs want to make the only UI exemplary. And, this increases the chance of building a shaky UX! When you are putting a lot of stuff, videos, and flashy images, it doesn’t mean people will love it. Instead, make it simpler and robust so your users don’t get lost. Now, there are several methods you can consider to boost customer experience. The best one is getting in touch with an SEO Services Company that offers website development. Why? Having an SEO team at your disposal means the developers’ team will ask how they can build an SEO-friendly website. If your site is optimized for SEO, you can reduce bounce rate, increase session duration and click-through rates.

Optimize GMB: Google My Business is a great tool that improves local search marketing. It is free, easily available, and you do not need a lot of technical expertise to register in GMB. It’s a great tool that can offer a lot of information directly from the search engine itself. You can update your business hours, images, website details, etc. This helps to offer brief details about your brand to the user before even visiting the website.

If you are thinking about whether this tip is going to work or not, then we would say it will. Why? It is because, though every business is unique, the above points are applicable to every shape and size of business. Remember, if someone is using PPC, they will have better results faster. However, SEO and PPC can go both hands in hand to offer the most suitable results.

You can read more about PPC here. So, what do you think? Are you ready to do the local search optimization by yourself? If yes, then go ahead, try it today! On the other hand, if you think it would be better if you do this by a professional, get in touch with Ideatosteer, one of the best SEO Services Company in providing exceptional local SEO optimization at a very competitive cost.

It is quite natural that you have questions regarding owning an updated & responsive website. Having a question regarding revamping your current dull and monotonous website is nothing new and as a business owner, you shouldn’t be afraid to express your view. However, does a credible, user-friendly website design truly matter? Out of curiosity, you have taken a day off from your managing duty and with a hot mug of coffee, you have started searching for a website designing company that can change the website for you. However, until now you are not convinced that the investment you are about to make to enhance the user experience will create more business! Despite your skepticism, if you search a bit about ” advantages of great website design”, you will find out almost every single study shows a well built, well managed, aesthetically pleasing and eye candy design have a huge impact on the success of small & large businesses.

There are several explanations for why a properly designed website will attract a huge number of diverse clients to your organization. Here are the most crucial three components that need to follow as a website designer while designing a website.

Simplified navigation: An intuitive & user-friendly website navigation is possibly the most crucial element of a website. Today, a website can hold multiple pages and a well-thought-out navigation page layout will definitely make the page transition more comfortable and user-friendly. When designing a website, sometimes developers/ designers get carried away with modern design & fancy typeface. According to the researchers, simplified navigation maximizes customer return and reduces customer bounce rate. To all my fellow developer and designers I would like to request that make the websites’ navigation so easy that even your grandma won’t ask you for any help!

Brand consistency: The brand logo is a crucial part of any business. Maybe sometimes the logo itself symbolize organizations’ trustworthiness, service type, and quality. Am I bragging about a logo way too much? Let me explain! Think about those times when you are hungry, driving in the road suddenly you spot a yellow “M” sign near a gas station. Feeling even hungrier? Do you read the sign and then decide if you are having “Triple Cheeseburger” or “Sausage McGriddles”? I think you know where I am going with that now! As a designer, you need to remember that it is crucial that you carry the brand logo on every single page of the website. And always remember to use consistent font style because sometimes a font style becomes an identity of the organization! It is necessary that visitors can recognize the brand by watching a glimpse of a part of the logo itself. It’s extremely significant to your visitors to be able to identify your brand in every kind of communication so they really associate your brand position and promise along with your business.

Trust: Trust is one of the most crucial parts of any type of business success. It is incredibly important that you keep building trust with your visitors, although, it won’t happen until you know them & their value. To build trust, you need to be transparent and you should clearly communicate with the client. Before overhauling the website, maybe you can share some new website templet with the clients and ask them for valuable feedback. In this way, your clients will feel that they matter to you and you will have the best suitable design preferred for customers itself. If you are a designer, it is important to ask the business owner about customer diversity and if the business owner doesn’t know about that, ask them to do the mentioned procedure. By creating a client’s preferred website, business owners will clearly enjoy the rise in website traffic and sales.

The internet can be quite a scary place for those who usually do business in an old traditional way. Promotion of a business through the internet is quite challenging, however, a good website design can help to minimize risk. If a website is made and managed properly, customers will definitely come back to your online place and conduct business along with the organization.

Once a wise man said,, “great power comes with great responsibility”! So remember, as a designer/ developer you hold an immense power or maybe the future of a person and his/ her dream. Never jump on the horse when you get a project. Sit with your client, ask a lot questions (even stupid ones if necessary) then utilize your expertise and give a wing to your creativity! You can only grow together.

In a democratic nation, online privacy should be & must be a basic human right. However, today, enormous numbers of internet service providers play with this basic human right in front of naked eyes to earn millions if not billions by trading your private data. You might be thinking why, what in the world you should spend the time to secure your online activity. And, it is natural. To answer this particular question, here are a few reasons you should know about.

Your basic human right: Today, millions of people across the globe don’t differentiate between online and offline privacy. However, you need to always keep in mind that the current legal system of democratic nations like the USA, India, UK, E.U countries, Japan, South Korea, and many other countries strongly protects a person’s right to privacy.

Organizations like UNHRC, ICCPR, a number of national and international treaties, and written words on the constitution of several nations, enshrine “privacy” as a fundamental basic human right.

It was the year 2015 when The United Nations Human Rights Council noticed that the enormous progress in communication technology has made it easier for corporations & governments to record the daily activity of an individual and they can easily block free speech. The authoritarian government can very easily crackdown on protests and they can even limit the spread of information, while a corporation can sell the data to the malicious third-party contractor for money. In short, online privacy makes you stronger than the government itself.

The absence of online privacy makes you unsafe: Whenever you are connected with the digital world, you leave behind a traceable and permanent trail of your private data. This is recognized as a “digital footprint”. What is this? Well, it’s your online biography! It can reveal your health information, shopping habits, sleeping patterns, keyboard stroke, and much more. Scared yet? This vast amount of personal data can be accessed by various third-party vendors for targeting purposes. Don’t believe me? Open your preferred search engine and type in your name. I am certain you will be shocked to see the outcome. This data can put your reputation and physical safety at risk. Remember the incident when Pokemon Go was launched?

The risk to freedom of expression: Privacy is a fundamental ingredient of freedom of expression. Privacy control for certain groups is absolutely necessary. Privacy is important for general people and it is crucial for the people who are involved with journalism, activism, and opposition politician to avoid intimidation for their ideas. These people usually become the central pillar of any democracy and I think now you understand the importance of online privacy.

It can affect your reputation: Most of us, using the internet have at least one or two embarrassing stories we would like to keep private. If we travel back to the 70s, people were good at keeping their privacy safe. However, in the digital edge, it is quite possible your private stuff stays alive inside your “digital footprint”. If we go back a few years ago, many of us heard about the “iCloud” fiasco! Remember those faces of the celebrities hiding from the camera( I mean camera of journalist of course!)? That can be you!

In the conclusion, I want to say that please for sake of your own life, try to minimize your digital footprint. Stop uploading every single bit of your private information try to live beyond tracking and live freely. Your privacy matters a lot and doesn’t try to destroy it get some like or lovely comment. And if you think you do not care about this since you do not have anything to hide, then I would quote someone. Who is my hero and who inspires me the most- Edward Snowden. “Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”


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