
5 Ways to Enhance Your Shopify Store’s Security

  • Saturday, January 8, 2022
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The need for a functional website is not an option anymore. It is a crucial aspect of business prosperity and continuous growth. This is why huge conglomerates and small businesses are also building their online presence to stay competitive and meet the demands of the digital era. And to get most businesses many of them are using advanced tools such as these.

And what makes Shopify quite lucrative is its pricing structure and easy development process. Those reasons have helped many business owners to own websites. However, amidst the growing number of cyber-attacks worldwide, the need of the hour, even on platforms like Shopify, is to take your security seriously to ensure your eCommerce store is safe for its users.

Activate SSL Certificate:

SSL is an essential part of your security checklist. But that’s not all; if you want to rank well in the major search engine, SSL is a must-have because the crawler won’t even consider your website without it. For SSL certificates, most people buy the license from a domain provider. However, Shopify offers the feature by default as part of their platform. Therefore, all the traffic will pass through a secure HTTPS protocol instead of vulnerable HTTP. Though it comes as default, make sure the certificate is enabled!


Schedule Regular Backups:

Shopify presents a well architectured hosting infrastructure that delivers an elevated level of data redundancy. Although, when you are trying to delete any content, double-check if you are doing it the right way, or better keep a backup handy! If you think taking manual backup is difficult or time-consuming, you can schedule the backup to be managed automatically. And if some cyberattacks happen, you can run the backup files to restore the previous data and fix the loopholes in the meantime without wasting time.

Two Factor Authentication:

There are many ways that can be used to get your password. Traditional theft or highly skilled methods such as brute force can be the reason for your password loss. If that happens, 2FA or two-factor authentication will come in handy. Major platforms use this method, and with Shopify, you can do that too.

In case you lose your admin password, the hackers will still require the 2FA code to access the backend or legacy codes. This second step will ensure you have an extra layer of added security for better safety and security. Shopify eCommerce Store should be set up to enhance security and increase user trustworthiness.

Enforce Code Management Standards:

Shopify offers numerous tutorials on how you can use the theme editor that is worth studying for any merchant considering changing their theme code directly. However, merchants who are planning to modify their theme’s code should look into doing it professionally by employing some code management standards.

As an experienced website development company, we do this every single time while using the Shopify platform to develop an online store. Explore the use of a different control system such as Git and possibly a local command-line tool such as Theme Kit. Ensure you have automated backup on and restrict access so only selected people can edit the theme. A good code management system not only offers security but a great foundation too.

Protect Against Fraud:

Shopify is a fantastic platform the brings amazing analysis tools to measure frauds. For instance, there’s Shopify Flow and Fraud Protect for those who are using Shopify Plus. And if you are thinking of a more advanced solution, then fraud detection tools such as NS8 will serve your purpose perfectly.

NS8 brings many crucial features. For instance, it has order fraud, advertising fraud features. Besides that,  it can protect against overall poor performance too. Moreover, the installation is easy and does not need any extra coding because all the functionalities come out of the box.

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