
Basic guide of SEO for Web Developers!

  • Sunday, October 24, 2021
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Web development and SEO or search engine optimization go hand in hand. While often overlooked, a well-planned and structured website is essential for crucial SEO success. This article will do a deep dive into some of the most popular on-page SEO errors and how a web developer or web designer can fix them. By the end, you’ll have the SEO for web developers’ basics down the path. Furthermore, you will understand how to avoid some of the hidden landmines you could fall victim to!

Mobile Friendliness

Mobile-friendliness is essential for a good SEO ranking. In fact, by default, major search engines require that the website must have mobile optimization or mobile-friendliness to get the best rank. The mobile-optimized website offers a great deal of flexibility to the users’ needs and wants. And the reason is most of the traffic is coming from handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets, etc. If the website is not loading well, or the navigation is not working correctly, users’ experience will diminish, and the website won’t be successful.


Content plays a significant role in on-page SEO success. While it is the job of the SEO team and content writer to write content for a website, as a web developer, you have to work closely to set the parameters. The website must be easy for the content writer team to access ad change accordingly. While developing the site, ensure the pages have meta tag boxes such as meta title and meta description.

Site speed

Website speed is vital for the success of a business or website. And if your developed website is lagging behind or the site speed is slow, the user will leave the website. The reason being, the customer has a shorter attention time. If your website is loading slower than it should be, then as a web developer, you have to work to ensure the speed is optimum. A good speed also helps to boost to get a good rank in SERP.


HTTPS is absolutely crucial for your website to rank well in SERP. Why? Because major search engine giants such as Google prefer a website that has HTTPS. HTTPS makes a site secure for the owner as well as the users. If your developed website doesn’t have HTTPS, then Google won’t recommend the site to the users. Therefore, it won’t get success in the SERP.

SEO is a multi-phased work that requires the perfect balance. A well-built SEO plan starts even before the start of website development. Therefore, as a website development company, we start implementing features and scope beforehand. The goal is clear; we want to see your business on the top SERP and get the success it deserves.

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